In the chosen area (region), the player receives periodically, as in World Afk Reward, configured rewards.
Area Selection Process
Before the selection be sure you have created the .yml file of the reward.
Obtain the area (region) selection tool by:
/afkselection <rewardName>
Then this tool is used to select two points bordering the area (region) by using the left button to select the first point (corner) and the right button to select the second point (corner) of the area (region). The selection is confirmed with the command:
/afkselection confirm <rewardName>
Example configuration
# Decides if rewards will be claimableenabled:true## Each type of reward has different specifications.# All currently supported types can be found on:# Reward tag#tag:Area Afk Reward# Area (region) where the AFK time is computed.area:first-corner-location:second-corner-location:# Required AFK time to obtain reward (in minutes)required-time:2# Should the progress reset if the# player leave the world?reset-on-leave:true## (Optional) Permission which player must have to be# able to obtain this reward.#permission:ultimaterewards.exampleAreaAfkReward## When player has this permission,# following properties will be shown.## When the reward is currently claimable:enter-actions: - "[subtitle] &aEntered AFK area!"quit-actions: - "[subtitle] &cLeft AFK area"progress-actions: - "[actionbar] &eNext Reward: %progress%"## Commands list that will be executed after player# obtains this reward.# All available actions can be found on# Format: () - optional value | [] - required value# [<actionType>] (<chance>):<command>## Examples:# - [console] 50:give %player% diamond 1# - this command will have 50%# execution chance due his property value## - [message] "&aYou have claimed your %type% reward!"# - this action will send player a message# with defined content## You can also use the random placeholders# from randoms.yml file and use it in command.# Example:# - give %player% iron_ingot %exampleRandom%# - placeholder will be replaced by# random number from defined interval in randoms.yml#actions: - '[console] give %player% gold_nugget 1 ' - '[sound] BLOCK_NOTE_PLING' - '[subtitle] &aYou have received a reward!'## Variants for this reward can be added here,# if you don't want any, delete the variants section## Which variant will be available for player depends on permission# You can add as many variants you want#variants:premium:permission:ultimaterewards.exampleAreaAfkReward.premiumactions:80: - '[console] give %player% gold_ingot 1' - '[subtitle] &eYou have received a premium reward!'20: - '[console] give %player% gold_ingot 1' - '[firework] colors:{FF0000;00FF00;0000FF},type:BALL_LARGE,power:3' - '[message] &6&lWOW! You are a lucky player, received 1 diamond!' - '[console] give %player% diamond 1'